Tuesday, March 11, 2008


In the distance, from my 12th floor apartment, the darkness is forboding, much as the disciples must have felt as Jesus turned His sights toward Jerusalem.  Darkness of the unknown, the uncertain can be frightening indeed to those who have no faith.  I was looking deep into the darkness for the light...It is as though the 'darkness turns to the dawning' for a few seconds, as the engines fire up beneath the shuttle Endeavor, and drives it into space.

As it lifts from the launch pad, the brilliant light reminds us that amidst the darkness of uncertainty is the promise of the Light!  I am able to see the light as the shuttle rises 38 miles ab ove the earth, and then it is off into the darkness.  As one who only slept two hours last night, and has stayed up to see Endeavor, I know that losing an hour's worth of time has left me feeling uneasy.. I will get used to it in time...Last fall, as my father was nearing the sunset, I reread the book about the five people one might wish to meet in heaven.  Other than family, I have written letters and sent a book to three people whose lives have inspired me, touched my heart in a special way...  Each person who shares our journey leaves a mark, but a very few leave us feeling tremendously grateful...and it is as though we have felt and seen the Face of Jesus Christ and felt His compassion in them....

WOW.  ride on into the unknown Endeavor and thanks for the Light...


heather said...

Very cool picture! It must be quite a sight to see the shuttle go up, especially at night. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Unknown said...

Dad, having now been to the 12th floor to visit you,I can appreciate how spectacular the view must be. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. (This is Jennifer, by the way--just noticed Matt was signed in!) I had little sleep last night, so the tossing and turning must be going around. I hope tonight is a better night!