Tuesday, January 13, 2009


'SURELY A STAR IS DANCING IN THE HEAVENS TO CELEBRATE THE DAY YOU WERE BORN." I recall that day, when Heather was visiting in Florida with Nana and Father...and on Sunday the 14th you arrived in that little Hospital, in Sidney, NY. What joy you brought with you to complete our "family circle.'
My memories of holding you on my lap, and your finger in mine playing Heart and Soul... Little did we realize what you would bring to our lives, and the world. Though separated in miles, I am this Tuesday night reliving the wonderful moments of your arrival, and the joy you have brought to Mom, Heather and myself.

Of all that you have done, I am proudest of the fact that you and Heather, have inherited all the wonderful qualities that made your mother such a special person...I celebrate YOU this day, and celebrate as only a Father could, your wonderful being, your family, Heather, and I am so very grateful that God blessed me having you and Heather as my daughters, and Mom as your mother and mentor. Happy Birthday...as the star dances in the Heavens... Dad

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thank you, thank you, Dad! It's been a great day--an ordinary, extraordinary day. Thank you for all you did to make it special!

We love you!