Sunday, January 13, 2008


It hardly seems 35 years ago, but it IS.  Heather had flown to Florida with my parents!  It was cold and snowy in Bainbridge, NY.  Though Phyllis had started dilating early in the week, I was convinced that we would go BEFORE Sunday.  Sunday morning at 6:00AM as my alarm went off Phyllis said 'LET'S GO"  I had arranged (just in case) for a Substitute Preacher - and off we went. 

In the middle of the Worship hour, JENNIFER LYN arrived to join our family...and I called the Church to bring the Good times have changed.  Nowadays, fathers are allowed to stay with their wives at the Hospital...I was allowed into the delivery room, and then ushered out only with the support of Dr. Porcarelli, and much to the nurse's dismay...

Little did Phyllis and I know on that blustery Sunday morning, that we would be truly blessed in having two beautiful, talented, compassionate daughters, but we shouldn't have been so surprised through the years considering who their mother was...Jennifer, surely a Star is dancing in the Heavens as we celebrate this day you were born, and you and your sister Heather remind me so very much of the wonderful person that your mother was...  Happy Birthday!!!


Unknown said...

From Jennifer, though matt is signed in....

Thank you, Dad, for your birthday memories! We're snowed in, enjoying another day together, and realizing this is the forever faith of a January birthday person in New England! We love you! We're remembering our birthday dinner at Friendly's with you in FL, after frolicking on the BEACH! it seems far away!

heather said...

The snowy weather seemed appropriate given how many snowy birthdays you have had over the years--Happy birthday Jennifer!