Friday, March 20, 2009

to be remembered

How many times have we stood by the Cross and thought or said that these criminals were getting what they deserved...although I have to be honest and confess that I want to be remembered by somebody...We even have gotten angry at Jesus for His words to this "bum". He knew, this bum did, he knew that he was getting what he deserved...but he looked through sweat stained bloodied eyes at Jesus and said 'REMEMBER ME..." On nights such as this, the phone silent, no mail, I can hear this plea on my lips...knowing that I haven't lived the best of lives...and I can hear myself uttering 'Will someone please remember me???? as the tears fall from my eyes...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Dad, I likely have the greater experience of knowing how remembered you are--as I carry your name, I hear it time and time again from people who "knew you when." I'm sorry FL hasn't always been a place to dig in and set community. With churches in the past to guide this "getting acquainted," I'm sure it can be lonely to not have that easy door in. Thinking of you....